Whether you have a free weekend or want to dig into a weeks-long project, LA Woodshop has classes for woodworkers of all skill levels. Join our professional instructors to learn the skills and gain the confidence you’ll need to make a wood project you’ll be stoked to take home and show off to your friends.
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In just one to two days you’ll learn the skills you need to make a wooden masterpiece you’ll be proud to show off in your home.
  • Picture Frames
  • Lathe Turning: Bowl Class
  • Bow Making Class
  • Intro to Routing: Magnetic Knife Rack
  • Plant Stand Class


These masterpieces are weeks in the making. Join us for a guided project over the course of one or more months, or start an independent study to watch your own vision come to life.
  • Practical Cabinet Making
  • Table Class
  • Independent Study Membership

need help finding the right class?

Use the filter below, let us know what you’re looking for, and we’ll point you in the right direction.

Private Lesson: Intro to Woodworking

Getting started in woodworking can feel intimidating, but it shouldn’t be! This private version of our Introduction to Woodworking class will teach you everything you need to know to start your journey into woodworking and furniture making.
Bring a friend for an extra $100! Look for the "Bring a friend" add-on on the checkout screen.
The lesson takes around 4 hours. See schedule for availability.
$500 (one student) or $600 (two students). Includes all materials + tool use.
Skill-Building Basics

Lathe Turning: Souvenir Mini Bat Class

Learn the fundamentals of baseball bat making while you turn your own souvenir 18" mini bat out of a block of rough maple.
Saturday or Sunday, 9am-4pm (with a one-hour lunch break)
High-precision toolwork // Arriving on time at 9am on a weekend.

Spoon Carving Workshop

Learn how to take a simple block of wood and turn it into something you can use every day: a classic wooden spoon. This one-day workshop will cover the basics of carving techniques, how to safely use carving gouges and curved knives, and how to sand and finish your spoon.
Saturday or Sunday, 9am-4pm (with a one-hour lunch break)
Skill-Building Basics // Arriving on time at 9am on a weekend.

Intro to Woodworking

Getting started in woodworking can feel intimidating, but it shouldn’t be! LA Woodshop’s Introduction to Woodworking class will teach you everything you need to know to start your journey into woodworking and furniture making.
Saturday or Sunday, 9am - 4pm (with hour lunch break)
$275 Includes all materials and tool use
Skill-Building Basics // Arriving on time at 9am on a weekend.

Plant Stand

Have you ever thought, “My plants deserve a tiny bespoke stool”? Then you’re in the same boat as us, because we think they do.

This one-day class will take you through the same process as you would making a 3-legged stool for yourself, but on a smaller scale. You’ll learn the importance of jigs when it comes to cutting circles and beveling edges.
Saturday or Sunday, 9am - 4pm (with an hour lunch break)
$325 Includes all materials and tool use
Skill-Building Basics // Arriving on time at 9am on a weekend.

Lathe Turning: Bowl Class

Make a bowl in one! … One day, that is. Start class in the morning without even knowing what a lathe is, and leave in the afternoon with a beautiful handmade wooden bowl — and the skills to make it.
Saturday or Sunday, 9am - 4pm (with an hour lunch break)
$395 Includes all materials and tool use
High-precision toolwork // Arriving on time at 9am on a weekend.

Lathe Turning: Lamp Workshop

Learn to turn a block of wood into a beautiful, unique table-side lamp over the course of three sessions! Taught by Ellie Richards, this workshop will center on the interplay between the physical qualities of wood and light. Expand your knowledge of woodworking and the use of the lathe and further your creative path as we cover lamp-construction techniques and the fundamentals of design. Come as a total beginner or an advanced woodworker and use the sculptural lamp to light up new ways of making.
Friday evenings for three weeks
$495 Includes all materials and tool use
Skill-Building Basics

Hand-cut Dovetails Class

Mastering the hand-cut dovetail is a true benchmark in every woodworker's journey. Master woodworker Nathaniel Hill (featured in Fine Woodworking Magazine) will guide you through all the fundamentals as well as the more specific techniques he's acquired over the years to make dovetailed joints using only hand tools. Beginner friendly! Open to all skill levels.
Saturday and Sunday, 8am - 6pm
$525 Includes all materials and tool use
Physically demanding // High-precision toolwork // Arriving on time at 9am on a weekend.

Bow Making

Every archer has a unique relationship with their bow. Why not start yours with its creation? Professional bowyer Eric Clem will guide you through the process of making your very own all-wooden longbow. Using mostly hand tools, you’ll come away from the class, not only with your very own longbow, but with the knowledge of how to continue the craft on your own.
Saturday and Sunday, 9am - 6pm
$675 Includes all materials and tool use
Physically demanding

Picture Frame Class

Ever wondered why getting a custom frame is so expensive!? Because a LOT goes into it! Maybe it’s high time you learned to do it yourself.

Over the course of 2 class sessions, our instructors will take you through the process of making your own solid wood picture frame, ready to hang on the wall when you leave the class.
Saturday 9am - 4pm & Sunday 5pm - 9pm
$360 Includes all materials and tool use
Skill-Building Basics

Practical Cabinet Making

Learn the skills necessary to outfit a room with custom cabinetry. Over the course of 7 classes, our instructors will guide you through the process of making a small veneered plywood cabinet that employs the very practical and efficient construction methods used by custom cabinet-makers.
7-week workshop, meets weekly on Wednesdays 6pm - 10pm
$850 Includes all materials and tool use
Intro to Woodworking
High-precision toolwork // Advanced woodworking concepts

Table Class

Why buy furniture when you can make it? Our instructors will take you on an in-depth and intensive journey into the fundamentals of furniture making. Come in with the desire to learn and leave with your very own table.
8-week workshop. Meets weekly on the same night, 6pm - 10pm. There is also one additional weekend milling session (mandatory) and one mid-week morning lumberyard trip (optional). See class schedule for specifics.
$875 Plus the cost of the lumber of your choice
Intro to Woodworking
High-precision toolwork // Advanced woodworking concepts

Private Instruction

You’ve got a project in mind, but you might not have the know-how you need to knock it out of the park. That’s where Private Instruction at LA Woodshop comes in!

Let us know what you want to accomplish, and one of our talented instructors will help you achieve your goal. This is a great way to get one-on-one tutelage as you learn a new skill or take your existing skill set to the next level.
By appointment
$125/hr (+$25/hr for one additional person). Larger groups should inquire for rates.
Skill-Building Basics // Physically demanding // High-precision toolwork // Advanced woodworking concepts

Independent Study Class

Dream up a design and bring it to life with this independent study membership. This class is for students who have a very specific project in mind, and want to further their education by learning the techniques to execute their vision under the guidance of our instructors.
Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays (first 4 of each month), 6:30 - 9:30pm
$300/month Plus the cost of the lumber of your choice
Intro to Woodworking; Tables or Cabinet class
High-precision toolwork // Advanced woodworking concepts

Can’t Find a Class You Want to Take?

Let us know what you’d like to see at LA Woodshop, and we’ll try to make it happen!
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rescheduling policy

We’ll happily reschedule your class if you give us the appropriate notice stated individually for every class. Refunds are also available if requested at least 7 days prior to the date of your first class. Please carefully read the class description and/or your confirmation email for individual rescheduling policies.
1535 Paloma St., Los Angeles, CA 90021
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